C.E.F. Board Resolution of September 17, 2021


In C.E.F. Board Meeting of September 17, 2021 from Baile Felix, Romania were
1. The affiliation to the C.E.F. of Mr. Manuel Garcia Algarra, representative of
Intersindical STICS - Spain.
2. The modification and completion of C.E.F. Statute.
3. Election to the position of President of the C.E.F. of Mr. Marian Stoicescu -
Romania for the period 17.09.2021 - 16.09.2022.
4. The C.E.F. Action Program for 2021-2022:
o C.E.F. Letter to be sent to Brussels, according to C.E.F. Resolution
from August 25, 2021;
o C.E.F. Delegation in Brussels;
o C.E.F. Delegation in Antalia;
o C.E.F. Delegation in Forest Europe process;
o Updating, or not, the nominal component for E.F.A.S. and
for A.G.F.E.E by every C.E.F. organization member.

the List of C.E.F. Actions is open