Council of the European Foresters Board Resolution


On March 1, 2024 the Board of the Council.of the European Foresters ( C.E.F. ) decided, according to the provisions of article 5.2 of the C.E.F. Statute, to approve the amendment to article 2.9 of the C.E.F. Statute and to approve the Rules of Organization and Functioning of the Order of Forestry Experts (O.F.E.). The Order of Forestry Experts is an Institution created by the Council of European Foresters to strengthen the professional prestige of foresters, to recognize the extraordinary professional merits of foresters and to use the professional expertise of foresters at the national, European and world level. The Order of Forestry Experts is the successor of the Advisory Group of Forestry Experts from Europe (A.G.F.E.E.). All members of A.G.F.E.E. who received last year A.G.F.E.E. Certificate will receive Certificates of Membership of the Order of Forestry Experts.