In accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 and article 6.2 of the Statute of the European Forestry Council, the C.E.F. Board. elected...
READ MORE >> The Council of European Foresters Board Resolution of October 5, 2024The Council of European Foresters Board Resolution of October 5, 2024 VIEW DOCUMENT
READ MORE >> Council of the European Foresters Board ResolutionOn March 1, 2024 the Board of the Council.of the European Foresters ( C.E.F. ) decided, according to the provisions of article 5.2 of the C.E.F....
READ MORE >> CEF Board Resolution of October 20 , 2023View the document
READ MORE >> CVs of those who received AGFEE Member Certificates and European Forestry Expertaccording to the Resolution of the CEF Board of April 4, 2023, in alphabetical order of countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina-AGFEE - Dragan...
READ MORE >> CVs of those who received EFAS Membership Certificatesaccording to the Resolution of the CEF Board of April 3, 2023, in alphabetical order of the countries. Bosnia and Herzegovina-EFAS -...
READ MORE >> C.E.F. Board Resolution from April 4, 2023.On April 4, 2023 the Board of the C.E.F. decided, according to the provisions of article 5.2 of the C.E.F. Statute. , to approve...
READ MORE >> Resolution of the C.E.F. Board from April 3, 2023On April 3, 2023, in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 of the C.E.F. Statute. , C.E.F. Board approved the Certification of the...
READ MORE >> C.E.F. Board Resolution of March 24, 2023.The C.E.F. Board members decided this Resolution in accordance with the provisions of the article 5.2 of the C.E.F. Statute. To strengthen...
READ MORE >> CEF Board Resolution of March 5, 2023.According to the provisions of article 5.2 of the Statute of the Council of European Foresters, the CEF Board decides to increase the...
READ MORE >> Resolution of the CEF BoardResolution of the CEF Board from January 20 , 2023 . In compliance with the provisions of article 5.2 of the CEF Statute, the members of the CEF Board...
READ MORE >> The Resolution of the C.E.F. BoardThe Resolution of the C.E.F. Board of November 15, 2022. In accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2 of the Statute of C.E.F. the members of the...
READ MORE >> CEF Board Resolution15.09.2022 - This CEF Board Resolution was decided ,in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 of the CEF Statute, by the Members of the CEF...
READ MORE >> CEF Statement10.08.2022 - CEF Statement on the theme "Sustainable Forest Management: Unlocking forest biodiversity-s potential" was sent to the Forest...
READ MORE >>Resolution of the CEF Board
January 20, 2023
In compliance with the provisions of article 5.2 of the CEF Statute, the members of the CEF Board decided to modify and complete the provisions of articles III , IV, V and VI of the Rules of Organization and Functioning of E.F.A.S., providing clarifications, among others, regarding the granting of Certificates to EFAS members. The CEF Board also approved the Certificate model that will be granted to EFAS members.
CEF Statement
August 10, 2022
The Council of European Foresters (CEF) and its Institutions: The European Forestry Academic Society (EFAS) and The Advisory Group of Forestry Experts from Europe (AGFEE) appreciate the Forest Europe initiative to develop the theme "Sustainable Forest Management: Unlocking forest biodiversity-s potential".
European Commission Letter to CEF
July 14, 2022
Dear Mr. Stoicescu,
Thank you for your letter of 12 May 2022 to President von der Leyen, who has asked me to reply on her behalf.
I warmly welcome your support for the European Green Deal and especially your proposal for stronger ambition on our pledge to plant at least 3 billion additional trees by 2030.
CEF Letter to European Commission President, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen
May 12, 2022
The Council of the European Foresters (C.E.F.) is an international professional foresters' organization that supports and is involved in the implementation of forestry policies for the development and achievement of the objectives of the European Green Deal, implicitly of the objectives of the European Union's Biodiversity Strategy.
2019 Forest Europe ELM Košice
23-24 October 2019
9-12 September, 2019 visit in Romania of Dr. Enrico Brugnoli (Italy)
9-12 September, 2019
Between 9 and 12 September, 2019 Dr. Enrico Brugnoli, Italy, visited Bucharest at the invitation of Marian Stoicescu. During this visit Dr. Enrico Brugnoli met Mr. Gheorghe Mihailescu, General Manager of Romsilva State Forest Administrator from Romania, Mr. Economic Director Rusu Vasile and Mr. Development Director Ureche Marius Nicolae from Romsilva. In the meetings with the representatives of Romsilva were experience exchanges about different aspects of forestry activity from Romania and Italy. Also, Dr. Enrico Brugnoli met Mr. Gheorghe Gavrilescu, President of the Association Forest Engineers from Romania.
September 5, 2019 visit in Romania of Acad. Cicerone Rotaru (France)
September 5, 2019
On September 5, 2019 in Bucharest at Consilva headquarter, Mr. Marian Stoicescu, President of Consilva Confederation and Federation for Defending of the Forests from Romania met Acad. Cicerone Rotaru from France, Council of European Foresters Vice-President and European Forestry Academic Society Vice-President.
Third Symposium on Nature and Forestry Towards 2023
Antalya, TURKEY
26-29 November 2015
The third on Nature and Forestry Towards 2023 was held on 26-29 November 2015 in Antalya on the following topics:
1. Inventory in forest ecosystem,
2. Natural recreation in forest ecosystem, and,
3. Productivity, Inspection and Quarantine in Forest Industry
The Chamber of Forest Engineers has decided to organize serial of symposiums under the title “Symposium on Nature and Forestry Towards 2023” which will include elaboration of whole subjects of forestry and nature in the anniversary of the Republic.
CEF participation in FOREST EUROPE process
As a result of obtaining by CEF the status of observer organization in the FOREST EUROPE process and in accordance with the Decision of the CEF Board of 4 September 2015, a CEF delegation composed by Barbara Koch - President of CEF and Marian Stoicescu - Vice president of CEF participated in 20 and 21 October 2015 at the 7th Ministerial Conference FOREST EUROPE and at the Extraordinary Conference FOREST EUROPE in Madrid.
The International Manifestations of the Foresters
Baile Felix - Romania
3-6 September 2015
The International Manifestations of the Foresters, Baile Felix - Romania, 3-6 September 2015 was organized by Consilva Confederation under the aegis of the Council of European Foresters (CEF) and the Advisory Group of Forest Experts from Europe ( AGFEE)
Starting 15th January 2015 the new president of C.E.F. is Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch, member of the Senate of the University of Freiburg.
15th January 2015
On 15th January 2015, at the University of Freiburg had place the Ceremony of taking over the CEF presidency by prof. dr. Barbara Koch. At this ceremony had participated the rector of the University of Freiburg and representatives of foresters’ organizations from Germany, Turkey, Hungary and Romania.
4-7 SEPTEMBER 2014
In accordance with the Decisions of the Leading Councils of Consilva Confederation and Silva Trade-Union Federation of 25.03.2014, 06.14.2014, 14.08.2014 and 05.09.2014, were held in Băile Felix, 4 - 7 September 2014, the International Manifestations of the Foresters.
At their fourth consecutive edition, these manifestations organized by Consilva Confederation and Silva Federation from Romania were in 2014 one of the most important event of foresters organizations in Europe, with an attendance of over 300 foresters from 6 countries. From Romania have participated members of the Leading Councils of Consilva Confederation and Silva Federation or their representatives (Stoicescu Marian, Apolzan Radu, Geană Silviu, Crişan Horia, Raţi Longin Ioan, Alboi Vasile, Dănilă Marius, Muşoiu Florin, Fulga Ovidiu, Bia Cătălin, Velea Florin, Nanu Gheorghe, Burtea Popescu Marilen, Mariş Ion, Muscalu Cătălin, Judea Liviu, Marica Marian, Pop Stelian, Harhoi Ovidiu, Mark Miklos, Coteţ Adriel, Vlăisan Vasile, Susai Codruţ, Oprea Adrian, Ciolacu Valentin, Năstăsescu Valentin, Pârcălabu Ştefan, Ventoneac Adrian, Bercean Ovidiu), members of the counties foresters organizations from Romsilva or private forest units, Cătălin Diaconescu – Romanian State Secretary for Forests, Aurelia Cristea – Romanian Minister for Social Dialogue, Adam Crăciunescu – General Manager of Romsilva-State Forest Administration, director Adrian Florescu, director Țigan Teodor, director Lucian Zamfir.The International Manifestations of the Foresters Bucharest - 10 April 2014
Presidium of the International Symposium on "Forest Strategies in different European countries" - Bucharest, 10 April 2014
Acad. dr. doc Victor Giurgiu - Romania, Mrs. Doina Pană – Ministry for Waters, Forests and Pisciculture from Romania, dr. eng. Adam Crăciunescu – general manager of Romsilva, dipl. eng. Marian Stoicescu – president of the Advisory Group of Forest Experts from Europe (A.G.F.E.E.) and dr. eng. Janos Halmagyi – president of the Council of European Foresters (C.E.F.)
C.E.F. Presidency Report
31 August – 31 December 2013
C.E.F. Presidency
Activity Report – 31 August – 31 December 2013
As per the CEF Statute hereby a periodic presidency activity report is presented to the honored CEF members.
In the past quarter year some regular and other important events happened that concerns the Council of European Foresters.
I. Handling over the CEF presidency from Turkey to Hungary for the 2013. August – 2014. August.
31st of August, 2013 – Budapest, Hungary
The participants to the C.E.F. and A.G.F.E.E. meeting from 8 September 2013, in Baile Felix, Romania, adopted a Statement which was sent to Forest Europe and the European Commission
Meeting in Genva
6-8 November 2013
C.E.F. Presidency Activity Report for 25 August 2012 - 25 August 2013
According to the Statute of the Council of European Foresters, the C.E.F. Presidency shall prepare a monthly Activity Report and send to all C.E.F. members.
Within the framework of the strategy and objectives set by the C.E.F. and the agreements of
C.E.F. meeting in Freiburg
16th of May 2013
On 16th of May 2013, in Freiburg, Germany, it was organized a C.E.F. meeting with the participation of Prof. dr. Barbara Koch, the Dean of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources from Freiburg, Vice-President of the Council of European Foresters, Dipl. Eng. Ali Kucukaydin, President of the Turkish Chamber of Forest Engineers, President of the Council of European Foresters and Dipl. Eng. Marian Stoicescu, President of Consilva Confederation from Romania, Vice-President of the Council of European Foresters.
CEF's Board Meeting in Istanbul
15 04 2013
On 15 April 2013, in Istanbul, it was held the CEF's Board meeting. This meeting was attended by 50 foresters from Turkey, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Hungary.
C.E.F. participation to INC3
28 January – 01 February 2013
Between 28 January – 01 February 2013, a C.E.F. delegation composed by Ali Kucukaydin, Marian Stoicescu and Mevlut Duzgun attended the 3rd Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe (INC3) where C.E.F. was granted an observer status.
Meeting in Brussels
13th of November 2012
On the 13th of November 2012, a delegation of C.E.F. formed by Ali Kucukaydin, Mevlut Duzgun (Turkey), Marian Stoicescu, Silviu Geană, Viorel Timisescu and Eugen Szilagyi (Romania), Janos Halmagyi, Peter Dudas and Jozsef Dubravszky (Hungary) met Mr. Markus Holzer and Mr. Steve Smith from Unit Bioenergy, Biomass, Forestry and Climatic Changes of DG AGRI, European Commission.
Meeting in Brussels
19 July 2012
On the 19th of July 2012 a C.E.F. delegation formed by Marian Stoicescu, Radu Apolzan, Silviu Geană, Valentin Năstăsescu, Marian Marica (Romania), Ali Kucukaydin, Mevlut Duzgun (Turkey), Janos Halmagyi, Jozsef Dubravsky (Hungary), Zoran Govedar (Bosnia & Hertzegovina), Milan Medaveric (Serbia), met Deputy Director- General Jerzy Plewa, Markus Holzer, Maria Gafo Gomez-Zamalloa (DG AGRI), where it were sustained the C.E.F. documents: „A suggestion to complete the EU Treaty with the forestry”, „Forestry in the European context”, „A short presentation of the Advisory Group of Forest Experts from Europe”.
Slanic Moldova, Romania
6 and 7 October 2011
Between 6 and 7 October 2011 at Slanic Moldova, Romania, Consilva Confederation and the Romanian National Forest Administration organized, under the Council of the European Foresters aegis, the International Professional Contest “The Best Forester”.
In this contest participated 45 foresters from Romania and Moldova Republic.
The Council of European Foresters meetings The Advisory Group of Forest Experts meetings
Iasi, Romania
1-4 August 2012
From 1 to 4 August 2012, Consilva Confederation in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests and National Forest Administration - Romsilva organizes the International Manifestations of the European Foresters that will include:
- Meeting of the Council of European Foresters leadership;
- Meeting of the Advisory Group of Forest Experts;
- An International Symposium on „Effects of the events dedicated to year 2011
CEF Diploma of Excellence offered by CEF to graduate students
Council of the European Foresters
October 2011
At its meeting in October 2011, the Council of the European Foresters established to offer the Diploma of Excellence to the best student finishing the Forest Faculties announced by every CEF organization member, aiming the recognition of this student merits at the level of CEF international organization involving international and national media and potential employers. Also, the best student finishing the Forest Faculty will be invited to attend the next CEF meeting.
CEF meeting in the Danube Delta
Romania, at Uzlina
19 to 22 October 2011
In Romania, at Uzlina, in the Danube Delta, from 19 to 22 October 2011, it was organized by Consilva a meeting where were invited all the CEF members.
The proposals established at Uzlina by the Romanian and Turkish delegates were sent to all the others CEF members who analyzed and adopted them.
CEF settled the manner of CEF involvement in the UNFF10 manifestations, which will be organized in Turkey in the first semester of the year 2013.
International Festival of the Foresters
Romania, Sibiu
The member organizations of the Council of European Foresters participated on the 25th and 26th of August 2011, at Sibiu, Romania, at the International Festival of the Foresters, organized by Consilva Confederation and the Romanian National State Forest Administration.
The festival, attended by 500 foresters from 7 countries, was one of the manifestations organized in Romania, dedicated to the International Year of Forests.